This is an archive of the official website for the IUCrXIX Congress at Geneva in 2002. Some images and text may be missing and some links no longer work.

XIXth International Union of Crystallography Congress and General Assembly


Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: March 15, 2002

Abstract should:

  • be written in English
  • contain data, be structured, include introduction, methods, results and conclusions
  • define all abbreviations before using them in the text
  • avoid statements, such as "the findings will be discussed"
If you intend to submit a picture with your abstract please prepare this in a separate file as a JPG HPGL or BMP format.
Do not incorporate the picture within the text of your abstract.

Please fill out this form carefully:

  • Fields marked with (*) are compulsory.

  • Non-English characters may only be used in the abstract text, using the table provided below. For all other fields please use English letters, numbers and punctuation.

Presenting Author's Personal Details

Family name / Surname:(*)
First name and middle initial(s):(*)
Mailing Address:  
Institution / Organization:
Please complete this field only if it is part of your mailing address
Please complete this field only if it is part of your mailing address
Zip code:(*)
Work phone (office hours): (*)
Country code/city code/number
Home phone
Country code/city code/number
Other phone
Country code/city code/number
Country code/city code/number
E-mail address:(*) Get free E-mail:
Presentation Type (*)
Most abstracts will be presented as posters, and instructions on the preparation of posters will be included with the notification of acceptance.
As at previous IUCr meetings, a number of abstracts will be selected for oral presentation in the Microsymposia. Authors wishing to be considered for oral presentation should choose this option below and indicate the appropriate Microsymposium.
Invited Keynote speakers and invited speakers for Microsymposia, Open Commissions and the COMCIFS meeting, should also submit their abstracts through this form, and indicate the appropriate type of presentation.
Please select:
Please select a session:
Check this box if you wish to be considered for the Oxford Cryosystems Poster Award
Main Topics:
Please indicate the theme appropriate to your presentation
Click here if you wish to check list of Themes and Sub Themes
(page will open in a new window)
Please select the sub-theme appropriate to your presentation
Author Affiliation(*)
  • Please list ALL author(s) affiliations, in order to refer to them by
    their number later
    (see below).

  1. Please list the presenting author first
    Please enter only the first and middle initials, and not the full first name
    (Write J.Smith, NOT John Smith).
    Please list the other authors in the order they should appear in all publications.
  2. In the affiliation field please enter the number corresponding to the affiliations entered above
    (e.g.: 1).

First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
Presenting Author 
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation  
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
First and middle initial(s) Family name Affiliation numbers
as entered above
Use the Ctrl key to select more then one option.
Please enter 3 keywords for use in the keyword index of the Abstract Book.
If any of your keywords consist of multiple words, (i.e. 'nuclear receptors') the words must be separated by _ (i.e. 'nuclear_receptors').

Abstract Title (*)

Please type in Upper and lower case:
Abstract Body: (*)

General Notes -
The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
Please do not repeat information already entered (abstract title, authors, affiliations).

Symbols, Sub/Super Script
Please use this table to replace the special characters in your abstract with their CIF Dictionary equivalents. This ensures your text will transmit correctly.

Images, tables, diagrams, graphs
Please remember that the abstract book will be printed in black and white.
Please ensure that your picture does not exceed the dimensions 5cm height by 8cm width.

Click here to add an image

Click here to preview

please press the "Submit" button ONCE only.      

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