|  Crystal
Chemistry of Materials and Soft Matter Studied by Synchrotron and Neutron Diffraction August
1-3, 2002 Joint ILL-ESRF site, Grenoble, France Neutron and synchrotron
diffraction have been essential for the understanding of new materials. Large
position-sensitive detectors, image plates, focusing optics, polarized beams and
new software, are all being developed rapidly, opening new opportunities for chemists,
physicists and biologists interested in relating the properties of materials to
their structure. This satellite will highlight some of this new science, and the
techniques that have made it possible. Registration fee: 175 Euro covering
accommodation, conference dinner and transport to Geneva. (Some financial assistance
will be available for young scientists). Information: http://www.ill.fr/dif/iucr
and guillermet@ill.fr or
gallot@esrf.fr Crystal
Physics. Measuring, Calculating and Predicting Physical Properties of Crystals August
1-5, 2002 Hotel Rigi Kulm, Rigi, Switzerland The aim of the satellite
is to explore the mutual benefits of application, experiment and theory in characterizing
and utilizing the physical properties of crystals. The course will thus be divided
into three parts: in the first part the expectations and needs with respect to
crystal and physical data (with the focus on mechanical and electrical properties)
will be formulated from the perspective of applied sciences (e.g. mineral-physics
and materials science). In the second part, exponents from experimental crystal-physics
present the state-of-the-art and limitations of current technologies to characterize
physical properties (with the focus on mechanical and electrical properties) through
experiments. Finally, structure-property relationships and the possibilities to
complement experimental data with computational methods will be explored. Registration
fee: CHF 100.- Information: http://www.kristall.ethz.ch/rigi2002
Neutron and Synchrotron X-ray Scattering in Condensed Matter Research August
4-6, 2002 Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland NSCmr2002
will deal with two main issues. First, the workshop will address crystallography-related
research on condensed matter performed with neutrons and X-rays. The main topics
will be:
High-temperature superconductivity Magnetism Interfaces
and thin films Second, the Paul Scherrer Institut houses the neutron
spallation source SINQ and the Swiss Synchrotron Light Source SLS. This offers
participants the opportunity to visit the experimental stations and to discuss
with local scientists the installations and the experiments performed at these
outstanding facilities. Registration fee: CHF 320 in single room, CHF
290 per person in double room. Covers scientific programme, book of abstracts,
accommodation with breakfast buffet, coffee break refreshments, conference dinner,
local transports. Because of the limitation on the number of participants,
registrations will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. Applicants
will be informed about the acceptance of their registration and the fee due, which
has to be paid before May 15. Information: http://www.psi.ch/sls/NSCmr2002
Contact: christine.schuetz@psi.ch
XII International Conference on Small Angle Scattering. August
25 - 29, 2002 Venice International University, Venice, Italy The
purpose of the International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering is to give scientists
using small angle scattering (X-ray, neutron, light) the opportunity of meeting
to present and discuss their new developments in all aspects of the use of this
technique in science and technology. This Conference is addressed to a large audience
of physicists, chemists, biologists and material scientists interested in structure
determination at a low resolution in solids, soft-matter, fluids and solutions.
The participation of young researchers will be strongly encouraged. Information:
or sas2002@unive.it