- 12:30 | (M1)
Hot Structures I Chair:
E. Baker Co-Chair:
A. Mattevi |
Combining X-Ray
Crystallography and Electron Microscopy Chair:
H. Saibil Co-Chair:
A. Engel | (M3)
High Energy X-Ray
Powder Diffraction Chair:
A. Wilkinson Co-Chair: R.
Dinnebier |
Preparation of Crystals for Pharmaceutical Applications: High-throughput and Combinatorial
Techniques Chair:
C. Lehmann Co-Chair:
C. Kidd | (M5)
Diffraction and Symmetry Aspects of Aperiodic Crystals Chair:
M. Ohmasa Co-Chair:
M. De Bossieu |
Polymers Chair:
I Hamley Co-Chair:
T. Waigh |
- 17:00 | (M7) Viruses
and Anti-Viral Strategies Chair:
P. Colman Co-Chair:
M. Murthy |
(M8) Enzyme
Evolution and Enzyme Mechanism Chair:
M. James Co-Chair:
H. Holden |
X-Ray and Neutron Magnetic Crystallography Chair:
F. Tasset Co-Chair:
M. Costa | (M10)
Applications of Powder Diffraction to Pharmaceuticals Chair:
G. Stephenson Co-Chair:
J.Tremayne |
Diffraction by Non-Periodic Structures Chair:
G. Chapuis Co-Chair:
T. Janssen |
Metal Complexes and Catalysis Chair:
G. C. Diaz de Delgado Co-Chair:
F. J. Lahoz |