- 12:30 | (M84)
Hot Structures II Chair: B. Dijkstra Co-Chair:
Y. Jones | (M85)
MAD, SAD and Difficult Phasing Chair:
R. Read Co-Chair: A.
Thompson | (M86)
Polymorphism and Isomorphism Chair:
P. Erk Co-Chair: V.
R. Pedireddi | (M87)
Real-Time Probing of Structural Changes and
Excited Molecules Chair: Y. Ohashi Co-Chair:
J. M. Cole | (M88)
Beyond Classical Applications of the Rietveld
Method Chair: I. Madsen Co-Chair:
R. Cernik | (M89)
Resonant Scattering Chair:
J. P. Attfield Co-Chair: H.
Ehrenberg |
14:30 - 17:00 |
(M90) Structural
Studies in Neurobiology Chair: J.
Sussman Co-Chair: Y. Bourne |
(M91) Metalloproteins
by Crystallography and Other Methods Chair:
D. Ohlendorf Co-Chair: M.
Carrondo | (M92)
Crystal Engineering - Supramolecular Assemblies Chair:
I. Goldberg Co-Chair: J.
Lipkowski | (M93)
Dynamics and Mechanism of Structural Phase
Transitions Chair: M. Glazer Co-Chair:
J.C. Toledano | (M94)
New Developments in Direct Methods and Maximum
Entropy II Chair: C. Gilmore Co-Chair:
S. L. Chang | (M95)
High Resolution Electron Microscopy Chair:
D. Van Dyck Co-Chair: Y.
Matsui |