This is an archive of the official website for the IUCrXIX Congress at Geneva in 2002. Some images and text may be missing and some links no longer work.


 Payment received
Before May 1, 2002
Payment received
After May 1, 2002
Participant US$ 420 US$ 490
Student* US$ 200 US$ 250
Accompanying person US$ 180 US$ 180
Gala Dinner and Closing
(limited number of places)
US$ 65
US$ 65

Workshops on August 6
(Space is limited and registration is on a first-come first-served basis)
Participant US$80
Student* US$50

* with proof of student status (student card)

Registration may be sent by mail, fax or through this website.

Fees include:

Participation in Congress scientific sessions, Congress Program, Book of Abstracts, CD Rom
Invitations to the following social events: Opening Ceremony and Get-together Reception;
Social Event on Saturday, August 10; Concert on August 12

Participation in Congress scientific sessions, Congress Program, Book of Abstracts, CD Rom
Invitations to the following social events: Opening Ceremony and Get-together Reception;
Student Mixer on August 8; Social Event on Saturday, August 10; Concert on August 12
Note: Additional tickets for the Student Mixer may be purchased on site.

Accompanying Persons
Two tours scheduled to take place during session hours.
Invitations to the following social events: Opening Ceremony and Get-together Reception;
Social Event on Saturday, August 10; Concert on August 12.

Cancellation Policy
Refund of Registration Fees will be made as follows:

Faxed, electronically mailed or post-marked
prior to May 3, 2002: full refund less US$ 50 handling fee
from May 4, 2002 - July 1, 2002: 50% refund
after July 1, 2002: no refund

  Welcome Committees General Information Exhibition
Timetable Program Overview Main Topics Information for Presenters
Satellites Workshops Open Commission Meetings
Registration Fees
Travel & AccommodationTours Accompanying Persons Program